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Your path to freedom


Psychotherapie Pasing

I offer psychotherapy (after the german Heilpraktikergesetz) here in Munich-Pasing with the aim of helping people achieve a better life. In my psychotherapy, there will always be a focus on change and acceptance.


From my perspecive, we cannot work well with our problems or challenges if we do not feel confident and secure enough. That is why I always strive create an environment and where you can feel safe and comfortable with me.


To learn more about my approach and methods, please visit the provided link. If you have any inquiries or questions, please feel free to contact me.

Psychotherapeut München

I have a six year Master in Psychology (M. Sc.) at the University of Bergen in Norway and a five year postgraduate specialisation in Psychotherapy with adults. In Norway I have worked as a Psychologist / Psychotherapist for more than twelve years.


I am currently offering Psychotherapy in München-Pasing with the Heilkunde license (HeilprG), as I am still waiting for the last approval to be able to use the germen term "psychological psychotherapist". However, this does not affect what I offer in terms of psychotherapy or my ability to help you.


Update May 2023: The Central Office for Foreign Education in Bonn (Die Zentralstelle für ausländisches Bildungswesen) has confirmed that my Norwegian education is equivalent to the German reference qualification for psychotherapists. Now, I am awaiting formal recognition (approval) from the Government of Bavaria (die Regierung von Oberbayern) as a psychological psychotherapist / psychologischer psychotherapist.

Psychotherapeut Pasing

Important Therapy Topics

(only in German)

Burnout - Ursache, Symptome und Burnout Behandlung
Verschreibungspflichtige Medikamente
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